
For Us, The King Will Never Die

Clark Gable died 62 years ago today at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital in Los Angeles. A heart attack claimed The King of Hollywood at age 59.

This pictorial layout appeared in Modern Screen magazine after his death:

Clark Gable 1901-1960

For us the King will never die

A poor boy…a nobody…with big ears and a magnetic charm, a he-man ruggedness…Clark lived his life, said little, and we loved him.

lovers: In Clark’s life there were five wives and no scandals. But on the screen his amours were messy–and with the greats of filmland’s Golden Days. Shown in his arms are Norma Shearer, Greta Garbo, Jean Harlow and Vivien Leigh, the lovely Scarlett O’Hara of “Gone with the Wind.”

along the way: Early struggles, then the King rode to fame. He went into war a private, came out a major. At 59, he was soon to be a father.

loves: Last two wives Lady Sylvia Ashley and Kay Spreckels, bore striking resemblance to Carole Lombard, big love of his life, killed in plane crash.

goodbye: The Lombard legend came to life at the funeral when a weeping Kay saw Clark laid to rest beside Carole. It had been his request. There to say a last goodbye to the King were old friends Spencer Tracy, Robert Taylor, James Stewart.

“No scandals” isn’t exactly true but whatever. Clark wasn’t actually laid to rest at his funeral. He was privately interred next to Carole a few days later, with only Kay and her two children present. You can read more about his death and funeral here.

We remember you, Clark Gable. Indeed for us, the King will never die.


  • Lou

    I have been a fan of Mr. Gable since 1974. Today I am the same age he was when he passed away. I gave up cigarettes in 1988. I hope I can remain a fan of his in this life for a whole lot longer.
    Thank you as always for your fine posting here. You always present very well.

  • Dan

    Oh, I didn’t know about the private burial a few days after the funeral! Wow. I give Kay credit for allowing Clark to be buried next to Carole- that was kind 🙂

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