clark gable boom town

Gossip Friday: A Strange Difficulty

clark gable boom town

From August 1934:

Gable Shuns Crowds

Clark Gable shuns crowds because he has, more than once, found a fist thrust under his nose and, “Come on and fight you big so-and-so,” bawled at him. And not by drunks either. The roles Clark Gable plays waken the animosity at punch devotees. The actor has a horror of coming out of a crowd with a black eye, a swollen nose, or of being forced to fight his way out of the situation. When he is making a picture, Gable never goes out in public because of this strange difficulty.

One Comment

  • Dan

    Wow. I never thought of that even being a possibility lol. Poor Clark. I think this one is true 🙂

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