clark gable carole lombard

Gossip Friday: Enthusiastic Over Pheasants

clark gable carole lombard

From October 1941:

Watertown, South Dakota–With a promise that they will return again to hunt in South Dakota, Clark Gable and his actress wife, Carole Lombard, were preparing this morning to leave for home. They planned to go by automobile this afternoon to Sioux Falls where they will take a plane for the west coast. Their original plans to leave from Watertown by plane were upset by weather. Both were enthusiastic over South Dakota pheasants and ducks after hunting every day during their five day visit here.


  • Dan

    They never did return to that spot together again, did they? She would die a few months later. I wonder if Clark could ever bring himself to go back to that very spot alone afterwards? Somehow I doubt it 🙁

  • Kira

    I was visiting with my sister recently and mentioned to her I was reading a biography of Clark Gable. Her husband happened to be walking by and he said, “You know, my dad’s claim to fame was that he met Clark Gable one time on a pheasant hunting trip in South Dakota.” Apparently Gable said to them, “How ya doing, boys?” Sure wish my brother-in-law’s dad was still alive as I have lots of questions!

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