
Gossip Friday: Who Knows the Score

clark gable sylvia ashley

From November 1951:

Clark Gable goes for girls who know the score. He likes ’em sophisticated and social: age or coloring makes no difference. In his time Clark has gone for females as far apart in looks and background as Metro stenographer Elaine White and socialite grandmother Dolly O’Brien. His first two wives were his age seniors. Carole Lombard was younger, but she always knew the answers. So does his present wife.  Sylvia seems to prattle about inconsequential subjects, but she is always amusing, always to the point, and I’ve never heard her say an unkind word about anyone.

Clark likes easy-going women because he himself is a little obstinate. When he didn’t care too much for Sylvia’s long-time maid, she let her go without more than a regretful backward glance. Sylvia will go fishing and hunting with Clark–because he likes girls to be at home in the wide open spaces.

One Comment

  • Dan

    Well that news item didn’t age well did it? Poor media just wanted another Carole and instead they got posh Sylvia. Oh well, everything turned out the way it should in the end. Amusing photo though of Clark holding out dead fish to his then wife. There’s no way she was going to touch them lol 🙂

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