
Gossip Friday: Another Victim

clark gable

From June 1942:

Clark Gable is another victim whom some have dared to criticize for remaining in civilian life. If Clark is aware of the cruel, ill-considered remarks that have been aimed at him, he has given no sign. In the past months, he has gone quietly about his work, attempting to restore some meaning to his life and, we hope, in some small measure, succeeding. 

What few people know is that Clark’s war work has already been cut out for him–and by no one less than the President of the United States! It has just been revealed that Clark wrote to President Roosevelt immediately after Pearl Harbor. He offered his services to the Army and asked to be sent into active combat, preferably in the Philippines. The President, who was among the first to tender condolences when Carole Lombard died, again sent a personal message to Clark. This time he urged him to remain in Hollywood and continue making pictures. His presence on the screen, according to Roosevelt, will be great for public morale.

There’s no doubt about it. Few stars are as well-equipped as Clark to hypo our spirits. So thank you, Mr. President, for your thoughtfulness!


Come August, Clark had enlisted in the Army.

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