
{Photos} A Ranch of Two Gables

This one-page spread appeared in Picture Show magazine in 1941:

clark gable carole lombard

A Ranch of Two Gables

Clark Gable and Carole Lombard are among the film-star ranchers in the San Fernando Valley. Like Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck, they both had separate ranches in the Valley before they were married. Clark Gable has always been an “outdoor” man. Whenever his work allowed, he would go away on hunting trips, as far from the night clubs and swing music and noisy crowds as he could conveniently get, reveling in the silence of the mountains and lakes. Eventually he gave up his hotel suite and moved out to the San Fernando Valley. Carole Lombard’s ranch was then only a few miles away. And those who’ve always looked on Carole Lombard as a glamour girl may like to know that she was the only girl in a family of brothers, and before taking up acting she was a thorough tomboy. And although the screen glamourised her, she still retained her love of an open-air life. And now the Clark Gables own this twenty-acre ranch at Encino. They spend their days playing with their dogs, riding, “fixing up” the place, seeing about the work to be done, or just plain idling.


One Comment

  • E.Klein

    My father was given one of Clark Gable’s guns, a Winchester 21. Do you have any pictures of him with such a gun?
    Thank you!
    Dr. E. Klein

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