
Gossip Friday: A Quiet Holiday

carole lombard christmas

From December 1941:

The quietest Christmas celebration in its history was observed in a Hollywood accustomed in the past to tossing around presents of diamonds and minks and sables like confetti. 

There were some valuable presents to be sure–but most of these were United States defense bonds.

Few parties were given, with most of the stars and lesser lights celebrating only with their families and intimates.

Only the families with children made the usual fuss. On this score the two busiest homes were those of Mr. and Mrs. Bing Crosby and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ameche. They each have four sons. 

Almost as busy were Margaret Sullavan and her husband, Leland Hayward. They have three children. 

Their new little daughters hardly realized what was going on, but Hollywood’s three newest mothers had big times around the Christmas tress. They are Mary Martin, Veronica Lake and Constance Moore. 

Joel McCrea and Frances Dee went with their two young sons to their ranch in Ventura County, Calif. Norma Shearer and her two children have gone to Sun Valley.

Clark Gable and Carole Lombard who usually have a Christmas Eve party, called it off this year. A quiet family dinner was given by Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck who observed their first Christmas in their newly purchased Beverly Hills home, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benny as guests. 

clark gable christmas carole lombard christmas

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