
Gossip Friday: Back from the Dead

clark gable parnell

From March 1937:

When Clark Gable was ordered home to bed with a cold, he left protesting that he could finish out the day all right. But he scarcely had left the studio before word was all over the colony that he had collapsed on the set.

I was at the Brown Derby about 5 o’clock (asking an intern for something to cure a cold) and there received the news of Mr. Gable’s supposed collapse, and even considerable detail about what he said and who carried him out to an automobile. All false, of course, but it shows what happens.

By 8 o’clock the rumor-mongers had slain Mr. Gable, and a few newsboys were crying his passing. Their voices reached a dentist who at that moment happened to be working on a porcelain inlay for one of the Gable teeth.

It was  a rush job, and the dentist had promised to have it ready next day. On hearing the newsboys, though, he sadly put the work aside and went home. the inlay wasn’t ready when Mr. Gable called. 

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