
Gossip Friday: Gloves On or Off

clark gable san francisco

From July 1936:

A script clerk’s job apparently seems very unimportant–until something goes wrong. For instance: We were “picking up” an exterior night shot. Hundreds of extras were called and many “bit” people were on the set. Suddenly [director W.S.] Van Dyke asks, “Did Clark Gable have the gloves on or off as he was leaving the Paradise night club when we shot it the other day?”

There’s a dead silence. Clark remembers. He thinks he had them on. His valet, who usually stands by, says he was on an errand the day we shot the interior. The assistant director and the property man had been so busy that day they had not noticed it. The wardrobe man says Clark did have on the gloves.

“Definitely NO!” rules the script clerk, who has to know.

Another item was a watch chain. Did he or did he not wear the watch chain? Handkerchiefs are always a nuisance, too. As it is difficult to match exactly how much of the handkerchief protruded from the pocket, and to remember whether it was worn with a particular suit, there’s a worry.

Clark, however, is always a “honey.” Always punctual, pleasant, knows his business, likes his work, cooperates with the script clerk and–briefly–is the script clerk’s delight.



  • Lucila Alatorre aka Cookie

    I love old movies i have my kids watch them and my grand kids,those were the best and the Men omg they don’t make them like that anymore.

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