
Gossip Friday: So’s Your Old Man

clark gable

From October 1941:

Clark Gable and a party of three had gone on a hunting trip up in northern Canada and on their return to the States stopped in a small town. A leading cafe was called for reservations for a party of four. “Who is calling?” the proprietor asked. “Clark Gable,” Clark replied. “So’s your old man,” retorted the manager, “if you want to eat here come on down and take your chances!”—and was he bowled over when Gable showed up.


  • Linda Duarte

    I’m wondering if that was the trip where Clark and Carole drove down from Canada in the car Carole gave him and after she died he sold the car making the stipulation that it not be seen in California. Can you shed some light on that story?
    Thank you as always,

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