
Gossip Friday: No divorce?


From August 1937:

It must have been one of those twenty-minutes-to-the-hour or twenty-minutes-after lulls that happens so often in a room full of people. At any rate, in a sudden silence, the voice of Mrs. Clark Gable was heard to say,

“Well now, MINE doesn’t want a divorce.”

Three women simultaneously leaped to the nearest telephone to call Carole Lombard.

Ria of course knew about Clark’s relationship with Carole at that point (who didn’t?) but like many of his other dalliances, she thought it would pass and she would always remain Mrs. Gable.  By 1937 they were no longer living together as husband and wife and it is said that Clark wouldn’t even see her for months at a time. That didn’t stop Ria’s strong determination to remain his wife.  Wonder how Carole reacted to that phone call…

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