
Gossip Friday: Quite a Scare

clark gable carole lombard

From December 1937:

Clark Gable and Carole Lombard had quite a scare recently when they thought that gangsters were following them.

As the couple drove off from Carole’s home they noticed that they were followed by a car which had been parked near the star’s home.

The mysterious motorists several times drove by Gable’s car, and the occupants, two young men, stared at the celebrities. 

Gable stepped on the petrol, and outdistanced the strangers.

He had taken the precaution of noting the license number of the other car, which was reported to the police.

The mystery was soon cleared up. The car was owned by a Glendale youth, of excellent reputation, who said that he and his friend merely desired to gaze upon the two celebrities. 

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