Gossip Friday: No King and Queen Stuff
From March 23, 1939, Hedda Hopper’s column: Tom Douglas and Rex Evans, former actors, have been decorating like mad–It’s Clark Gable’s new house and it was finished March 17. While the wires are being burned up to find out Clark’s wedding date, when Clark gets a couple of hours off he doesn’t bother about anything but tilling his soil. No king and queen stuff for Clark and Carole, they’ll break the news to all the papers at the same time. ____ Don’t worry, Hedda, they’d be married six days later.
Gossip Friday: A Brief Divorcee?
From March 1939: Mrs. Clark Gable, who is in Las Vegas awaiting her divorce, may marry as soon as her former husband does. Hal Strotz, the former Mrs. Jay Gould’s widower, flew to Las Vegas to spend the weekend as Mrs. Gable’s guest. He telephones to her every day and, according to her close friends, is devoted to Ria. Her divorce will become final on March 6 and, while there is no official word that she will become Mrs. Strotz, things look serious between her and her admirer.
Gossip Friday: Two Millionth
From March 1938: Clark Gable affixed his 2,000,000th autograph for “Ducky” Pond, coach of the Yale University football team. The star has kept accurate check on his signatures since asked for his first autograph six years ago as the result of his performance in “A Free Soul.” ___ I really doubt that….
{New Article} Gable the He-Man Talks!
Here’s a brief article from London’s Daily Mirror in 1936, while Clark Gable was filming San Francisco. Nothing earth shattering here. A man with a very dirty face. A man in a grimy, tattered suit. A queer-looking cove with blood-stains all over him, sitting patiently on a rickety old camp-stool. Don’t look round now, but it’s your old friend, Clark Gable. Want to know what he’s really like? If he’s really and truly the Tall-Dark-and-Handsome he looks on the screen? If he’s really so tough as the pictures make him out to be? I’ll tell you now. Better still, Clark Gable will tell you himself. He said this: “I’ve had…
Gossip Friday: A Rush Job
From March 21, 1939: Carole Lombard has hired twenty-four gardeners to complete a rush job on Clark Gable’s Encino estate. Carole’s mother, Mrs. Peters, has put on record her desire for a church wedding, or a ceremony in a private house performed by a preacher.
Gossip Friday: Mr. Bow Tie
From January 1936: Clark Gable, famous setter of men’s fashions, is introducing a new one or, rather, reviving an old one–bow ties for streetwear. He is wearing long bows with pointed ends in bright stripes. Gable’s first honor on this line was when he made popular the turtlenecked sweater.
Gossip Friday: Something to Talk About
From February 1936: Did you hear about the [valentine] Carole Lombard sent Clark Gable? She had an old Ford painted white, decorated with huge red hearts and ribbon and had it delivered to Mr. Gable’s hotel with her compliments. All this because of the false reports that have been going around town regarding the fact that she was romantically interested in Clark. Carole says she thought she would give the gossips something real to talk about for a change.
Gossip Friday: A Mangy Mule
From February 1939: Carole Lombard’s surprise birthday present to Clark Gable was a mangy mule. Andy Devine brought five chickens and another friend, a sack of fertilizer.
Happy Birthday, Clark Gable
Clark Gable was born William Clarke Gable to William and Adeline Gable in Cadiz, Ohio, 124 years ago today, February 1, 1901. He only lived to be 59 and has been dead longer than he lived, but if this website is any indication, he is not forgotten. 85 years ago, when Clark was turning 39, he had quite the memorable birthday. He and his wife of less than one year, Carole Lombard, had taken off on a hunting trip to Mexico. Shortly after, they caused a media frenzy when it was declared that the two stars were MISSING! The Gables’ personal secretary, Jean Garceau, recalled: “The Gables loved to go…
Gossip Friday: No Clark, No Ava
From January 1956: A drive-in movie theater in San Fernando Valley marqueed it “Grace Kelly in Mogambo” following her engagement to Prince Rainier. No mention of Clark Gable or Ava Gardner, who never expected the no-billing treatment when they made the picture with a pretty, unknown blonde.