• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Still Kicking

    From March 1941: Clark Gable’s still kicking That regularly recurring report of Clark Gable’s death was going the rounds again this week; the rumor originated in Georgia this time and had the star smashed to smithereens in an automobile accident. As usual, a studio executive had to go through the red-tape ceremony of going over to Gable’s set and asking him whether he was dead or alive.  

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1931: Will Gable Take the Place of Valentino?

    Here we have an article featuring new star Clark Gable, comparing him to belated silent star Rudolph Valentino, whose untimely death just a few years earlier was still fresh on everyone’s minds. Once in a lifetime—and maybe twice—there flashes across the screen a man with the power to make all women feel that they are in danger. Such danger as all women prefer to peaceful safety. Once—and perhaps twice—we see a man who, when he kisses the heroine on the screen, kisses you—and you—and me. A man with an earthy quality—call it romance, call it glamour, call it sex. No matter what you call it, there it is, compelling and…

  • Gossip,  Idiot's Delight

    Gossip Friday: Not a Natural Hoofer

    From January 1939: Clark Gable’s feet have been problem children ever since he can remember. “The jams they have gotten me into would fill a book,” he said. But from now on, Gable’s 11-C’s have his blessings. He admits being gratefully surprised that they piloted him safely through his song-and-dance act for “Idiot’s Delight,” now showing at the Liberty Theater. “Frankly,” Gable remarked, “that dance business had me worried for two years. I was sold on playing the part of Hoofer Harry Van from the night I saw Alfred Lunt’s performance on the stage in New York. It was a great role, and one that I felt suited me, except…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Informality Rules

    From April 1941: If Carole Lombard calls you on the phone and tells you that she and Clark Gable would like to have you come up to their San Fernando ranch for dinner, by all means don’t get yourself all gussied up. When the Gables are at home, informality is the law. Clark likes to loaf around in gray slacks without any semblance of a press. Carole, while always smartly dressed, still gets a big kick out of being garbed like a rancher’s wife.  Don’t tell Clark he is a great actor. He’ll think you’re kidding him. Do suggest seeing his newest car. He’s like a little boy about automobiles and…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Too Old

    From October 1939: Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy and Robert Taylor were discussing the war the other day in the studio cafe. Tracy said: “Well, Taylor, I suppose you’ll be the first to go if if the United States gets into this thing. Too bad. Gable and I are lucky. We’re too old.” “Yeah, we’re too old,” echoed Gable. “Yeah,” replied Taylor, ducking, “it took the war to bring that out.” ___ Gable was NOT too old, as it turned out a few years later…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Acrobat Over Queen

    From February 1939: Norma Shearer has found an acrobat is more popular than a queen, taking the grosses of “Marie Antoinette” and “Idiot’s Delight” into consideration. Of course, in the latter, the ladies in the audience do nip-ups, too, because Clark Gable is in the cast. ___ I am not sure what “nip-up” is supposed to mean…

  • Call of the Wild,  Gossip

    Gossip Friday: First Shot in the Can

    From January 1935: Twentieth Century’s “Call of the Wild” went into production at the United Artists studios yesterday with Director William Wellman making something of a record by putting away his first shot at 9:45am. More than 300 but and extra players shared the scene with Clark Gable, Loretta Young, Jack Oakie and Katharine de Mille. The call was 9:00am on the set. After two more days in the set, which reproduces Tex Rickard’s Skagway saloon during the Alaskan gold rush, the unit goes north January 3 in a Southern Pacific special of eleven cars, producer Darryl F. Zanuck stated. Ed Ebele, production manager, has has a staff of fifty…

  • Anniversary

    Happy 100th Birthday, Olivia de Havilland!

    A very, very Happy 100th Birthday to Olivia de Havilland! Usually when I am writing birthday posts about Clark Gable’s co-stars they are actually no longer with us. But Olivia is alive and well in Paris, and I hope having quite a celebration! She may be most commonly known as “mealy mouthed ninny” (as Scarlett called her) Melanie Wilkes in Gone with the Wind, but Olivia had a illustrious career beyond Melanie. Olivia is a two time Academy Award winner (The Heiress and To Each Their Own) and was nominated three more times. She starred in such classics as The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Adventures…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Hitting the Road

    From January 1935: Oddly enough, Hollywood, the film capital which is not a city, cannot be reached via railroad–except by freight train! Clark Gable and Jim Tully–one a screen idol, the other a noted scenarist and author–selected this unusual path to fame several years ago when they “hit the road” to study geography first hand. The paths of these two men crossed one day, and they “threw in” with each other, traveling together across the western states, taking odd jobs and gaining an understanding of human nature that was to stand them both in good stead. Tully has give the world many delightful and colorful stories based on his own…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1935: What I Think About Clark Gable by Jean Harlow

    Here is the continuation of yesterday’s article, where Clark Gable wrote what he thought of Jean Harlow. Now it’s Jean’s turn to gush about Clark–and gush she does indeed! I can’t imagine anyone I’d rather have for a friend than Clark Gable. He embodies all qualities which are necessary for true friendship. Not more than half a dozen people in Hollywood, I believe, know Clark as he really is. He is so much deeper than people think. He won’t talk about himself—he doesn’t even seem to think much about himself. It’s not that he’s a Garbo. But he is always so interested in finding out about you that he never…