• Across the Wide Missouri,  Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Very Gray

    From 1950: The person this story amuses most is–Clark Gable. It seems before he started “Across the Wide Missouri,” his studio instructed him to let his beard grow. Being a good boy who always does what he’s told, the virile Mr. G. just smiled and tucked away his razor. Finally, they called him into the studio for wardrobe fittings. When they got a gander at that luxuriant face foliage–very fine but very gray–they ordered the makeup department to make with a fast false beard. Clark went happily on his way–to the barber shop.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Legs Gable

    From 1954: Just like old times Clark Gable and beautiful, blond Kay Williams are having those laughs again. Favorite playtime place is the golf course of the Bel Air Country Club and you should get a gander of the King wearing those knee-length sox and currently fashionable Bermuda walking shorts! Kay kiddingly calls him, “Legs Gable!”

  • clark gable

    Gossip Friday: Quick Escape

    From February 1945: Five hundred hysterical, howling females forced Clark Gable to leave a radio station via the fire escape. It was his first public appearance since returning to civilian life. “And flying in a bomber over Europe is supposed to be dangerous,” cracked Clark to the cops who came to his rescue. 

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: No Parking

    From 1940: Miss Carole Lombard is having some difficulties with tradesmen around the boulevards because of her unorthodox method of parking her car. If there is no space available at the curb and no parking lot handy, Miss Lombard runs her dashing red roadster ever so delicately up onto the sidewalk and leaves it there until she has concluded her errands in the neighborhood.  Cops and tradesmen, perceiving the “C.G.” on the doors and the Clark Gable registration certificate on the steering post, are loath to take drastic measures. But they feel pretty drastic, nonetheless.  Miss Lombard is as considerate as she can be when she leaves her car on…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Joining the Talkie Brigade

    From August 1931: Hundreds of letters received this month asked for information about Clark Gable. The present screen idols are going to have to defend their laurels, with Clark gaining a stronger foothold in every picture. Fans seem to have gone hook, line and sinker for him. History reveals that Clark was born in in Cadiz, Ohio February 1, 1901. He reaches 6 foot, 1 inch, weighs 190 and has brown hair and grey eyes. Like many another youth he attended grammar school, high school and then took a business course, only to throw it over for a theatrical career. It was a lucky break for Clark. After a very…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Barred for Life

    From 1935, fan letter to magazine: I’ve just returned from the Coast where it was my pleasure to visit a major movie studio set. Here are some of the rules a visitor must observe: Don’t look at the actors, they hate being stared at. Don’t attempt to get autographs, stars resent being asked. Don’t snoop onto sets, somebody might get suspicious of you. Don’t make any noises, a sneeze at the wrong moment may cost the studio thousands. Don’t open your mouth, someone may think you’re about to speak and get nervous prostration. Don’t lean against a building, t may be made of cardboard and topple over. Don’t stay in…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: The Gift of Calico

    From July 1941: The town is still in hysterics over Gable’s gift to wife Carole Lombard on their second wedding anniversary. When Carole, all atwitter with excitement, opened the gorgeously wrapped box, there lay the darndest set of calico panties, brassiere and petticoat you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Clark took that “calico for the second year” edict literally and had a studio dressmaker whip up the ruffled numbers. Carole is now trying to think up a comeback gag.

  • clark gable joan crawford

    Gossip Friday: Reunited?

    From 1953: If the King leaves MGM as rumored, Clark Gable and Joan Crawford, who were one of the greatest box-office teams, may reunite in an independent Western. ___ Clark did leave MGM for good the following year, but he and Crawford were never re-teamed.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: You Just Can’t Beat That Guy

    From March 1942 (fan magazines ran about three months behind): Clark Gable is rapidly taking over the role of best businessman in Hollywood. On their recent trip back east, Clark and Carole bought an $1100 car in a Middle Western town and drove it home. In Hollywood they sold the car at only $100 loss. The expenses home amounted to exactly $87. Carole and Clark stopped in small towns and hotels, ate in small restaurants and had a bigger time than Santa Claus. When people have more fun than Gable and get a bigger kick out of doing it the American way–that of the average man–then we give up. You…