• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Closed Set

    From March 1937: People thought Carole Lomabrd was going Garbo on them when she had the ‘Swing High, Swing Low” set closed to visitors. As a rule the Lombard sets are wide open to anyone with a pass and a desire to watch Lombard antics. But when “Swing High, Swing Low” started, nine-tenths of the visitors cornered Carole to ask her about the Clark Gable romance. So now Lombard is behind locked doors where she can keep her romance and her acting to herself. ____ Over 60 new pictures added to the gallery this week!

  • Photos

    Carole This and That

    Some fun and random Carole things: Carole recommends this products! Carole in some advertising: (Click to enlarge) Carole’s brother Fred suffered some marital woes…among them, his dogs slept in bed with him instead of his wife and referred to his wife as a “second hand car”! I found this particulary interesting because it confirms that Carole indeed had a nephew…a fact that I hadn’t heard confirmed. Newspaper article from 1942: (Click to enlarge) A cute magazine page advertising Carole’s 1941 film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”: (Click to enlarge) An adorable headshot from her 1941 drama “They Knew What They Wanted”: (Click to enlarge) Gorgeous headshot from a sitting for “Made for…

  • Photos

    Photogenic Clark and Carole

    To date, there are nearly 9,500 pictures in the gallery. Of these, the most popular album of the entire gallery is in the “Wives” section. Is it Josephine Dillon at 76 views? No… Is it Sylvia Ashley at 80 views? Nope… Is it Ria Langham at 94 views? Nah… What about Kay Williams at 119 views? Still not… The winner, by a landslide, would be Mrs. Carole Lombard Gable, with 263 views! What is it about these two lovebirds? Maybe the fact that they usually look so happy and carefree and well, in love! I’ve added nine new pictures of Clark and Carole to the gallery today so make sure to log in and…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1938: What’s Become of the Good Scout?

    This article is lamenting the chatterbox lounge lizard Carole of the past–the pre-Clark Carole! Carole is the needle in the Hollywood haystack, and press, public and photographers all find her hard to track down. What’s happened to that good scout who was always available for a laugh, a picture, a gag or a cocktail? That’s what everyone is asking now. And not only us get-arounds in Hollywood, but fans write and want to know, too. “What about Carole? Why no interviews? Has she gone high hat? Where is she? What is she doing?” Well, here it is finally, not the awful truth, but the very acceptable truth which explains briefly,…

  • Photos

    The Mayfair Ball

    As Clark and Carole fans all know, the 1936 Mayfair Ball was the site of the beginning of their love story. David O.Selznick (producer of Gone with the Wind) was the president of the Mayfair Club at the time and asked Carole to head up the annual ball, as she was known for throwing the best parties in town. Carole decided to make it a white ball, and all ladies were asked to wear white gowns, and the men white ties. White flowers of every variety filled the room. Tickets were $20 apiece, and for that you got dinner (alcohol was extra though, thankyouverymuch), dancing, a show and some pretty fine…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Carole Live on the Air

    From February 1940: At the Silver Theatre radio rehearsal, Carole Lombard and Conrad Nagel were deep in a discussion while waiting their turns for rehearsal. Eavesdropping resulted in the discovery that the conversation was about citrus fruit culture. Both Carole and Conrad had definite ideas on the best ways to cultivate crops of oranges and lemons. The discussion finally got so heated that Carole said, “Well, before we get into a fight over this, I’ll admit that maybe you’re right. After all, we have only four acres of citrus trees at our place.” Nagel looked shame-faced. “That’s decent of you,” he said, “because I’ll have to confess that on my…

  • Photos

    At Separate Tables…

    About a year before Cupid struck, Clark and Carole were having a grand time one night at the Trocadero Club—just at different tables. Carole seemed to only have eyes for her date, screenwriter Robert Riskin (he penned It Happened One Night). Meanwhile Clark and Ria were double-dating with Constance Bennett and her beau, Gilbert Roland. One wonders if they stopped by each other’s tables to say hello! While Clark left Ria very soon after this picture was taken, Connie and Gilbert were married in 1941, after being called out for “acting married while being unmarried” in the infamous article that called out Clark and Carole for the same offense: “Hollywood’s Unmarried Husbands and…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1940: Two Happy People Part 3

    In May 1940, the weekly magazine Movie and Radio Guide featured a new Clark and Carole article every week. I’m posting part 3 of 4, only because the articles came from a scrapbook and Part 3 seems to be the only complete one. While I try to put the pieces of the other parts together, here is Part 3, which is all about life on the ranch. I was rather surprised to learn that the Gables had no swimming pool. A private swimming pool is as much a part of Hollywood existence as ballyhoo, bread and bourgeois. In the South, to judge your social status, they might ask you who…

  • Articles

    Carole Goes Bang! Bang!

    “Skeet shooting is Hollywood’s new rage and Carole Lombard is a consistent high scorer. Here she is in action, after a morning of work on the Made for Each Other set.” Click to enlarge:

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1938: Happiness Ahead for Clark and Carole

    Here’s another article with the all-too-common theme of “Will Ria ever give Clark a divorce? Will Clark and Carole ever marry?” Today Carole and Clark have put their love to the test of companionship, deep sympathy and understanding and they have found it stronger than either of them. Their heads no longer in the clouds, Clark and Carole know now. In a quiet, deeply happy, strong knowledge they are aware that they have revolutionized each other’s lives to the extent that nothing else matters, not even their careers of the white blinding light of stardom. Their intimates know that serenely and calmly, in the face of all obstacles and gossip,…