• Spotlight

    {The Brown Derby Restaurant} Part 1: The History

    This post is Part One of a series of posts I will be doing regarding Clark Gable’s favorite restaurant in Hollywood, The Brown Derby. The Brown Derby Restaurant was a Hollywood standard. In its heyday, it was as famous and as symbolic of Hollywood as as the Hollywood sign or Grauman’s Chinese Theater.  I don’t think I have read a single book on a Hollywood star yet in which the Brown Derby wasn’t mentioned, even in passing. A 1932 article described it as such: The Brown Derby is more than a Hollywood institution. It is not only a place to meet and talk over contracts and plan divorces and further romance under…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1938: Lombard as She Sees Herself

    I try very hard to make sure that, while I have a lot of information about Carole Lombard, this website doesn’t become a Clark and Carole website because it isn’t, after all. I come across a lot of Carole articles and usually if they are before she was with Clark or don’t mention Clark, I don’t include them. When this article was written in 1938, Clark and Carole were very much together, although he doesn’t get too much of a mention. But this article is wonderful and yet somehwat sad; it paints such a lovely picture of Carole–young, vibrant, full of life and talking about looking forward to old age.…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Gable!

      If Clark Gable were alive today, he would be 112 years old. Notorious for his humbleness, I have no doubt that he would be shocked that anyone remembers him in 2013. In honor of Clark’s birthday, here are a collection of quotes from people who knew him, as an appreciation: “What a man, what a man! He razzes me every minute in hopes of getting my goat—and sometimes he does. In a big hot love scene the other day, he whispered, ‘Jean, you’ve got your eyebrows on upside down.’ So I said I could hardly wait for him to grow old and gray as I was just crazy about Gray…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Don’t Believe Your Hunches

    From February 1932: Playing hunches or other psychic suggestions is not Clark Gable’s way of doing things. “I don’t believe in hunches at all,” he argued. “In fact my experience has been that hunches work out exactly the opposite way. A lot of people kid themselves into believing a hunch made them do this, that or the other thing that panned out well. As a matter of fact, it was either their own good judgement or advice from outside sources that guided them and not a hunch at all. They judt don’t stop to analyze the reasons behind their own decisions and give all the credit to an imaginary hunch.”…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: The Grieving Husband

    From February 24, 1942: Clark Gable today was expected to report back to work at his studio within a few days to begin work on “Somewhere I’ll Find You.” The production was postphoned indefinitely when the actor’s wife, Carole Lombard, perished in a plane crash in Nevada. From February 27, 1942: Clark Gable did not actually work before the cameras the first two days after returning to MGM for “Somewhere I’ll Find You.” He sat quietly on the set talking to his director, Wesley Ruggles, and watching various scenes. From March 2, 1942: What can Hollywood offer Clark Gable–without Carole Lombard? It certainly can’t tempt him with more money, more fame,…

  • Anniversary

    Remembering Carole Lombard

    Carole Lombard died suddenly71 years ago today, at the age of 33, when her plane crashed into Table Rock Mountain near Las Vegas. Her husband, Clark Gable, was shattered. I have little doubt that the day that he stood at the base of the mountain, looking up at the burning wreckage and knowing his wife was up there, was the worst day of his life. But he was not alone in his grief–Carole was truly a person who was loved by all who knew her, even if the only way they knew her was on the screen. I have posted this fan poem before, but it is so beautiful it is…

  • Films,  Movie of the Month,  Test Pilot

    January Movie of the Month: Test Pilot (1938)

    This month, Clark Gable is a fearless flyer, Myrna Loy is his worried wife and Spencer Tracy is his brooding sidekick in Test Pilot. Clark is Jim Lane, a boozing, womanizing army test pilot who walks to the beat of his own drummer. On one trip, his plane starts leaking  gas and he lands on the field of a Kansas farm, where Ann Barton (Loy) lives with her parents. Their sparring turns to mutual attraction soon after and by the time Jim’s best friend and mechanic, Gunner Morris (Tracy) arrives to help fix the plane, they are in love. When Jim brings the plane home to New York, he has…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1933: Gable Answers Your Questions!

    Early 1930’s fan magazine articles aren’t exactly a pleasure to read, for the most part. In my experience, most articles from this period are so fluffy, drawn-out, pointless and so unbelievably long that you wonder if they had a word count that had to be met in each magazine so they just filled it with junk with the occaisonal hidden gem. That being said, I actually like this article. True to form, it is entirely too long–nearly 4,000 words total! I can’t even imagine PEOPLE magazine or something of that sort printing an interview with a star that is 4,000 words.  A few months prior, MOTION PICTURE magazine had an…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Moving On Out

    From June 1932: When Clark Gable’s wife went to New York, Clark gave up the apartment that they had occupied together and moved into bachelor quarters. But he didn’t give anybody the address and when he appeared at the studio his manager was constantly by his side to keep him from being questioned about the divorce, which folks say is imminent. However, in his new neighborhood word sort of got around among the kids that Clark was living in that corner house and dozens of little girls–all under ten, Mrs. Gable–have presented themselves at the front door, welcomed Clark to his new house and asked for an autographed picture. In…

  • Articles

    Ask Clark Gable a Question!

    No, I’m not talking about with a Ouija board. The above  ad ran in the February 1933  issue of Motion Picture  magazine: Here, at last is your chance to find out from your screen favorites, themselves, the things that you have been wanting to know. Here is your chance to ask some of those interesting questions that interviewers have neglected to ask. As a beginning for this unusual series, MOTION PICTURE provides you with the opportunity to get in tuch with the man of the hour, Clark Gable. Read about it–and then rush in your query!  Well, don’t rush to fill out the 80 year old query sheet! On Friday, I…