• clark gable ria franklin

    Gossip Friday: Reconciliation?

    From November 1935: Hollywood–Reconciliation of Clark Gable, romantic film hero, and his second wife hinged today upon developments after the actor returns here in two weeks. “I think it is entirely possible they may patch up their differences,” said Ivon D. Parker, Gable’s business representative, who with his brother, Claude, handles all the couple’s legal affairs. Mr. Parker admitted Gable would go to a hotel here, not to his Hollywood home, where Mrs. Gable will remain. Romantic speculation stirred in New York by Gable’s appearance at a hockey game with Miss Mary Taylor, Park Avenue society girl and fashion model. “They’ve done that before,” Mr. Parker recalled, adding that Mrs.…

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Morose and Cynical

    From September 1936: Clark Gable and Carole Lombard have discovered their temperaments differ too widely to allow of friendship. Incidentally, most of Clark’s friends have remarked that, since the separation from his second wife, he has been exceedingly morose and cynical.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Interested Observers

    From September 1936: Clark Gable and Carole Lombard decided to patch up their quarrel for the sake of the joint box they owned for last week’s Pacific southwest tennis tournament. Another interested observer at the matches was Mrs. Rhea Gable, who spent most of the time looking sadly at the husband from whom she is separated and his blonde companion.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Jiminy Cripes

    From September 1941: Rumors spring out of nowhere in Hollywood and traverse the town’s grapevine routes like wildfire. A report that Gable and Carole Lombard were splitting up had the town on its ears one day last week. Gable, it was said, had quit home and gone to live with George Raft. After MGM’s phones buzzed for hours with queries, the matter was put squarely up to Gable. “Jiminy Cripes,” he said, using much stronger language than that, “what have I done to get this? I don’t even know George Raft.”

  • clark gable sylvia ashley

    Gossip Friday: Plumb Wrong

    From August 1950: When Clark Gable eloped with Lady Sylvia Ashley a few months ago, the Hollywood skeptics and frustrated matchmakers started comparing notes on whether or not the newlyweds were properly suited to one another–and the answer turned out to be “no.” They agreed that the lady was a charmer, all right, but they also agreed that the new Mrs. Gable, being a super-sophisticate, was not the girl for a rugged, down-to-earth guy like Gable, who preferred hopped-up automobiles to yachts, and whose best pal was more apt to be a garage mechanic than a member of the titled aristocracy. If Lady Sylvia was a bit miffed at his…

  • clark gable anita colby

    Gossip Friday: Regifting

    From December 1948: Anita (The Face) Colby, who recently resigned an executive post at Paramount in Hollywood to establish a public relations firm in New York, arrived here the other day with two expensive paintings–farewell gifts from Clark Gable. What Miss Colby doesn’t know is that the paintings were brought over from Paris and presented to Gable by Dolly O’Brien, once her rival for the handsome actor’s affections. And Miss O’Brien, of course, doesn’t know that Gable, no lover of art, has given the paintings to Miss Colby, between whom no love is lost.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: A Good Critic

    From July 1936: The big show at a Hollywood Boulevard movie house the other evening was for that group of people who sat behind Clark Gable and Carole Lombard at a showing of “San Francisco.” But Gable’s conversation about the picture he’s in didn’t go unnoticed. He’d made a good movie critic.

  • sylvia ashley

    Gossip Friday: Returns But Won’t Talk

    From August 1951: Gable’s Wife Returns but Won’t Talk Mrs. Clark Gable, who still buys her airplane tickets under the name of Lady Sylvia Ashley, arrived home from Honolulu today and promptly shook her head at questions about her divorce fight with her movie-idol husband. The 40-year-old blonde socialite stepped down from the Pan American Stratocaster at International Airport at 7:25am, carrying the usual tourist accessories–an armload of leis and a ukulele. But her smile faded when she spotted the newsmen and she tossed her long blond locks in annoyance when asked if she planned to press immediately her divorce action against Clark Gable. “I’ve made all the statements about…