• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Watch This Boy!

    From August 1931: Every reader of Adela Rogers St. John’s interesting Hollywood stories in New Movie [magazine] will want to see the talkie built at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios from her novel, “A Free Soul.” The story makes a very effective vehicle for Norma Shearer. The motherless Jan Ashe has been raised by her father, a hard-drinking lawyer, to do as she likes. Conventions are something to break–until she discovers that she can’t find happiness in smashing the rules of life. There’s a murder trial sequence that will surely get you. “A Free Soul” is superbly played. Miss Shearer steps further upward as the reckless Jan, Lionel Barrymore is admirable as her…

  • Cain and Mabel,  Films

    May Movie of the Month: Cain and Mabel (1935)

    This month, Clark’s a grumbling small-time boxer in a love-hate relationship with Marion Davies’ spunky waitress-turned dancer in Cain and Mabel. Clark Gable is Larry Cain, a heavyweight boxer, whose publicity team cooks up a fake romance with Mabel O’Dare (Davies), an aspiring musical star, for publicity. The two loathe each other but begrudgingly agree to play along to help both of their careers. Of course along the way they actually do fall in love and decide to quit boxing and show business to be together. Their publicists won’t hear of it however and set to break them up. This is completely Marion’s film. She’s billed first and carries the…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Ladies with a Plan

    From December 1936: Departing from the studio after a wardrobe fitting, Joan Bennett was mildly surprised the other day to see four sweet-faced old ladies lined up determinedly on the sidewalk by her car. It transpired that they were visiting from Buffalo, and has a three-fold purpose in their visit to Hollywood. One was afternoon tea with Miss Bennett, one a chat with Lionel Barrymore and one the autograph of Clark Gable. Touched by their ambitions, Joan provided them with tea, and, when last seen they were observed moving off in the general direction of another studio to polish off the matter of Mr. Barrymore and Mr. Gable! 

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Blind Date

    From 1949: Another lavish opening was at Mocambo, when Desi Arnaz opened, and, of course, everyone who loves Lucille Ball and Desi turned out. Surprise of the evening was Clark Gable’s first date with Paulette Goddard and I think the story of how this combination came about is most amusing. A mutual friend has asked Gable to come to the opening, but Clark said he wasn’t too fond of night clubs and besides, he didn’t have a date. The friend told Clark hat he knew just the girl. She was attractive, but new to Hollywood and didn’t know anyone. If Clark didn’t mind he was sure he could fix it…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Left Out

    From November 1936: Clark Gable and Mae West are not included in the “Who’s Who,” the American publication issued early, which lists what it considers are the important people of the United States. Clark and Mae have millions of admirers but they still are unable to be mentioned in the pages of this noted book. It is good news to learn that Garbo, Joan Crawford, Janet Gaynor and Nelson Eddy all figure in the precious volume!

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: All Wet

    From January 1935: Clark Gable is well aware that the life of a movie star is not a bed of roses; but, nevertheless, he got a surprise while he was working in “Copy Cat” with Constance Bennett. The actor, according to the script, was required to make a leap into a rowboat. He obeyed instructions, but, alas, he landed so hard that his weight caused him to crash through the bottom of the boat, and there he was entangled until he was rescued. If Gable attempted the “stunt” when he was alone he undoubtedly would have been drowned.  __ “Copy Cat” was After Office Hours.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Matchmaking Stew

    From 1949: Ada Dodge, charming hostess, claims that it was her famous “Chuck Wagon Stew” that was responsible for bringing Ann Sheridan and Clark Gable together for some fun and a few laughs. Ann, as a cowgirl, met rancher Gable at this party and started tongues aging. I do know they lunched together the next day at Charlie Farrell’s Racquet Club.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: An Ol’ Smoothie

    From 1949: Admiring eyes were glued on Clark Gable when he made of his rare nightclub appearances at Mocambo. And we wish you too could have seen that ol’smoothie dancing a rumba with Iris Bynum! Speaking of Clark, it’s rumored his MGM bosses would like him to dye his graying temples. Our money says they’ll get nowhere fast with their Number One rugged realist.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Praise from Laughton

    A reporter discusses actors and actresses with Charles Laughton, April 1935: “One thing certainly prejudices me [against stars], and that’s personality. If I meet a star and dislike him very much indeed, I always try to say the best I can about his pictures, just in case I;m tempted to be unfair.”  “Yes, I can understand that,” said Laughton. “And who do you dislike?” I told him.  He nodded.”Yes, he’s pretty nasty, I agree. I hope you don’t feel that way about Clark Gable?” I gasped. Clark Gable is one of my secret weaknesses. that made me cautious. “I like him,” I said mildly,”but I don’t admire him as an…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Glare from the Audience

    From January 1938: My eyes are still weak from the glare of the diamond bracelet Clark Gable gave Carole Lombard and which she wore when her hero appeared on a recent Chase and Sanborn broadcast. Carole sat in the control-room for a while watching Gable rehearse. She got so nervous she couldn’t stand it and so spent the rest of the afternoon in the Jack Benny rehearsal studio. As for the comedy spot Gable did with Charlie McCarthy (and which was a dilly, if ever there was one); the star’s managers frowned on the sketch on the grounds that it was undignified but Gable  overrode the negative nods and went…