• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Whiskers and All

    From March 1940: During “Gone with the Wind” Clark Gable often remarked that nothing could give him greater pleasure than a haircut. But since “Strange Cargo” has been before the cameras, the actor has decided a shave can mean more to a guy than a haircut. Relating his miseries over the nine-day growth of beard which his role required, Gable said he was awfully tired of being hailed as Mr. Zola. And worse than having someone ask you why you don’t get a haircut or a violin,”he said,”is to have someone ask why you don’t get a snood for the whiskers!”

  • Event

    We’re 10!

    Today marks the 10th Anniversary of DearMrGable.com! The website launched on July 1, 2009, hand-coded by me after reading Website Building for Dummies. It was kind of on a whim. I had loved and admired Clark Gable for years, sure. I was involved in classic film fan groups on the internet and it often turned out that I was one of the only ones who had read up on Clark and seen all his films. I quickly discovered that while many classic film stars had active websites devoted to them, Clark really didn’t, which shocked me. I was surprised the domain name was available, snapped it up and here we…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Another Victim

    From June 1942: Clark Gable is another victim whom some have dared to criticize for remaining in civilian life. If Clark is aware of the cruel, ill-considered remarks that have been aimed at him, he has given no sign. In the past months, he has gone quietly about his work, attempting to restore some meaning to his life and, we hope, in some small measure, succeeding.  What few people know is that Clark’s war work has already been cut out for him–and by no one less than the President of the United States! It has just been revealed that Clark wrote to President Roosevelt immediately after Pearl Harbor. He offered…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Plenty Smart

    From April 1956 (Louella Parsons): Clark Gable not only has a beautiful wife in Kay Williams, he has a perfect companion. Of course, Kay went along with The King when he left for Knabe, Utah, for weeks of location for “The King and Four Queens.” She took along her riding clothes (she may even work in some background scenes just for the kicks), just as when she goes to Palm Springs with Clark she takes her golf bags. And, come party time, Kay is dressed to the teeth–just as Clark likes her to be. A plenty smart wife, Mrs. Gable. 

  • clark gable lilli palmer
    But Not For Me,  Films,  Movie of the Week

    Movie of the Week: But Not For Me (1959)

    This week, Clark Gable is a Broadway producer stuck between his lovestruck secretary Carroll Baker and his ex-wife Lilli Palmer in But Not For Me (1959). Gable is Russ Ward, an aging Broadway producer deep in debt and losing his touch. When he finally decides to throw in the towel, his much younger secretary, Ellie Brown (Baker), admits to being in love with him. Her speech to him gives him the idea for a great play and he sets to work on it, reviving his career, leading Ellie on in the process. She proves she can play the lead role and becomes a success. Russ starts to have feelings for…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Radio Request

    From February 1940: Whenever Clark Gable goes on the air he always asks for Paula Winslow to play opposite him. He even insists on her part being built up and that she gets billing. ___ Not sure how true that is. They did do two radio shows together: “Detour to Love” in 1937 and “Danger Lights” in 1938.

  • Rumors

    Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Their Daughter Judy Lewis

    The story of Clark Gable and Loretta Young’s brief romance on the set of Call of the Wild and subsequent pregnancy is a sad one. Nowadays it is nothing at all, merely the typical day’s news, to read that an unwed celebrity is pregnant. Nobody bats an eye. In 1935, it was exactly the opposite. Clark was married, albeit in name only, to Ria at the time. So not only was unwed Loretta pregnant, she was pregnant with a married man’s baby. I probably get more emails and comments on the site, Facebook and Instagram about this Loretta Young situation than any other Gable topic. “He abandoned his child with…

  • Call of the Wild,  Films,  Key to the City,  Movie of the Week

    Movies of the Week: Call of the Wild (1935) and Key to the City (1950)

    This week, we’ve got a Clark Gable and Loretta Young double feature in Call of the Wild (1935) and Key to the City (1950). I’m not going to dive into the whole Loretta Young-got-pregnant-with-Clark-Gable’s-baby-during-filming story. That’s all here. This is about the film. Clark Gable is Jack Thornton, on the hunt for a gold mine through the tundra with his sidekick Shorty (Oakie). As they struggle through the mountains in the bitter cold, they encounter Claire Blake (Young) who is stranded alone after her husband left her to search for food. They discover that Claire and her husband were after the same gold mine. Aided by their trusty dog Buck,…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: That’s What You Get

    From October 1955: I doubt if anyone can kid Clark Gable as successfully as his bride, Kay. She keeps The King chuckling even about himself.  When they returned from their honeymoon, they accepted the invitation of their friends, the Ray Hommes, to go to the Mocambo. As expected, the autograph hounds nearly ruined their evening both outside and inside the nightclub. In the midst of furiously signing menus and what-have-you, Kay leaned over and whispered in Clark’s ear, “See what you got by marrying me?”

  • Films,  Movie of the Week,  Polly of the Circus

    Movie of the Week: Polly of the Circus (1932)

    This week, Clark Gable is a preacher in love with sassy acrobat Marion Davies in Polly of the Circus (1932). Clark is Father John Hartley, a small town minister living a peaceful life. The circus comes to town, with its star attraction: trapeze artist Polly Fisher (Davies). She is enraged when her risqué posters are covered up and confronts Hartley, who admits that her posters aren’t appropriate in the town. The crowd mocks her at her next performance, causing her to fall. She recuperates at Hartley’s house at his insistence since he feels guilty. Soon they fall in love. But his parish and bishop uncle (C. Aubrey Smith) don’t support…