• Gone with the Wednesday,  Gone with the Wind

    Gone with the Wednesday: 75 Years of Frankly My Dear…

    Seventy-five years ago this week, on June 27, 1939,  Clark Gable uttered what was to be the sentence that followed him around the rest of his life and beyond–“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” June 27 was the the last day of principal filming on Gone with the Wind, and even though the film was not shot in sequence at all, it happened to be the day they filmed the very last scene. Here’s some trivia regarding that famous last scene and that enduring line: The original line in the book is “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” Producer David O. Selznick threw in the “Frankly” for…

  • Films,  Movie of the Month,  Night Flight

    September Movie of the Month: Night Flight (1933)

    Okay, okay, I know it’s the end of the month and here I am just now declaring the Movie of the Month for September. In my defense, I just moved and my office has turned out to be the last room to get unpacked. I always rewatch the Movie of the Month and reread the passages about it in some of the books I have. So I had to wait until I found my DVDs and books! I actually had another film in mind for this month but I can’t find the DVD at the moment, so Night Flight it is. Night Flight is a true ensemble piece, boosting an impressive…

  • Academy Awards

    Oscar Night…Minus Clark and Carole

    The Academy Awards are tonight, so I thought I would post something about the night “Gone with the Wind”won it big–February 29, 1940 at the now-destroyed Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles. Clark didn’t win that night; the only black spot on an otherwise glorious night for the film. The one thing about that evening that has always puzzled me is the lack of pictures of Clark and Carole at the Academy Awards. There are none. Zilch. Zero. I understand Clark didn’t win, but how can there be no photos? I am a Clark photo fanatic, as is evident by the thousands of pictures in the gallery, and I have never…