• Articles

    {New Article} 1937: How Will the Gable-Lombard Romance End?

    This article from 1937 is taking a guess on how the fairly new but highly publicized Clark Gable and Carole Lombard romance would end. Sadly, I don’t think anybody would have ever guessed how it did end just a few years later. At this point, though, a lot of people were still eyeing the romance as another flash in the pan Hollywood union. And of course at this point Clark was still married to Ria and it really seemed as though that divorce was never coming! Carole was wise during this period. She knew that Clark was still married and while her and Clark were pictured together at Hollywood events,…

  • Films,  Movie of the Month,  Night Flight

    September Movie of the Month: Night Flight (1933)

    Okay, okay, I know it’s the end of the month and here I am just now declaring the Movie of the Month for September. In my defense, I just moved and my office has turned out to be the last room to get unpacked. I always rewatch the Movie of the Month and reread the passages about it in some of the books I have. So I had to wait until I found my DVDs and books! I actually had another film in mind for this month but I can’t find the DVD at the moment, so Night Flight it is. Night Flight is a true ensemble piece, boosting an impressive…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Date Night for the Gables

    From September 1941: Carole Lombard was calling for Clark Gable at the close of the day out at MGM. “We’re having an evening out,” Clark said. And what do you suppose they did? They went to dinner at the Beverly Hills Brown Derby, then slipped back to the studio, where Ann Sothern’s new picture “Lady Be Good” was run off in a projection room for the two of them. That’s the way they see all their movies. If they attempt to go to a regular theater—they’d be mobbed!

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1934: Any Man Would Like Clark Gable’s House!

    This is the story of the house that a million women have dreamed about and have wanted to know about—Clark Gable’s new home. And when men read about Clark’s surroundings, he will rate even higher with them as a he-man than he already does. Don’t miss this vivid pen-picture of the interior of his home, which will give you new ideas of your own! …says the Editor’s note at the beginning of this article from 1934. Which is rather funny on many levels. This article describes the Brentwood home that Clark and his second wife Ria rented for about two years, 1933-1935. I believe that Ria stayed on there after…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Gable and Taylor, Quite a Pair

    From August 1937: A Damon and Phythias pair these days are none other than Clark Gable and Robert Taylor. For a couple of years the two have been polite toward one another, but seemed to have no desire to become old pals. But the Screen Actors’ Guild has brought them together, for Clark is an ardent member of the organization, and when Bob broke down and joined forces the other day, he suddenly became Taylor’s most ardent fan.

  • Films,  Gone with the Wind

    Gossip Friday: In Defense of Clark Gable

    From June 1940, letter to editor: Never having complained before, I feel I am entitled to do so now. I sat through Gone with the Wind twice, thanks to Clark Gable’s excellence performance (and he is not my favorite actor.) Everyone I have seen since the picture was shown here was highly enthusiastic over his marvelous portrayal of Rhett Butler. Now it seems he has been completely ignored, and consideration give to a silly and boring performance by James Stewart in “Mr. Smith, etc.” Finally the Academy Award was given to Robert Donat. Nice going! It’s a wonder to us that Gable’s name was even recalled in connection with the…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Gable is as Gable Does

    From January 1938: Being in the business world of Hollywood and meeting stars every day, I can give you this impression of Clark Gable, not as fiction, but as a true fact from everyday life. He called at our place of business one morning dressed in sport clothes. Very businesslike, this Gable. He wandered about the store missing nothing, with our employees giving him little attention. (He prefers that.) A little girl seated in a toy automobile glanced about, and suddenly seeing Mr. Gable, called her father’s attention to him. She wanted his autograph. The father spoke to Mr. Gable, and, smiling graciously, Clark walked over to the car and…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1935: This is Clark…and This is Bob

    First off, let me apologize for my lack of updates recently. I have packed up my entire life and moved across town, which always seems like less of a chore than it actually ends up being. Among the many advantages of my new home is that I finally have an office, or “classic movie den” to call my own. While I shifted through boxes and boxes of paperwork, I finally organized all these articles that have been simmering on my desk for literally years. The good news is that I have 52 Clark Gable articles to type. The bad news is I have to type them. Oh well, let’s start with…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Hang On, Carole!

    From November 1941: Clark Gable’s convertible coupe, with a canvas covered steel top as a precaution in case he turns turtle, is the fastest thing on wheels in Hollywood. And Gable has a habit of driving at terrific speed. I noticed on the right side of the car’s dashboard a heavy bar with leather finger grips and asked him about it. He grinned. “Oh, that,” he said. “Well–sometimes I turn a corner kinda fast, and Carole has to hang on.”