• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Not a Clotheshorse

    From April 1941: One of the reasons, admittedly a minor one, that Clark Gable and Carole Lombard get along so famously is that both see eye to eye on the matter of “dressing up” and putting on the ritz. Framer Gable goes for those dusty old trousers and sweaters in his real farm life as well as in the still pictures, and Carole, he says, will have no part in that general feminine conspiracy which aims at getting the male into white-tie-and-tails at the slightest provocation. Gable’s new picture, with Rosalind Russell, is “The Uniform,” but the title doesn’t mean he’ll be duded up any more than usual. Gable is…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Laid to Rest

    From November 24, 1960: Clark Gable’s body has been entombed beside the remains of actress Carole Lombard, the third of his five wives. Meanwhile the film star’s will was filed for probate Wednesday in Los Angeles. It describes his estate only as “in excess of $10,000.” All goes to his widow, the former Kay Williams Spreckels, except that Gable’s first wife, drama coach Josephine Dillon, now 75, receives title to the North Hollywood home where she lives.  Only the widow and a few close friends and associates were present at a brief Episcopal committal service Wednesday in a mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial park. Air Force Chaplain Johnson E. West…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: At His Peak

      From October 1960: Travelers back from Nevada, where they watched “The Misfits” shooting, say the big news is the way Clark Gable looks–fit and handsome, and at his absolute peak as a performer.  __ And, sadly, dead in less than a month. I don’t know about their assessment–I have always thought he looks sickly in The Misfits.

  • Anniversary

    Remembering Clark Gable

    Clark Gable died 57 years ago today, at the age of 59.  The King was gone and would never be replaced. Read about Clark’s death and funeral here. See Clark’s final resting place here. Here is an article made up of little tidbits about Clark; it was syndicated in newspapers the following week: Gable’s Label Truly Earned by Leonard Lyons Syndicated Press, November 23, 1960 Gable…No matter what the Box Office records showed each year, Clark Gable was Hollywood’s unchallenged King. Tyrone Power once told a group of us about a lesson from an advertising man concerning the significance of movie-billing: “The only names which matter on a movie marquee are…

  • Army,  Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Causing an Uproar

    Since tomorrow is Veterans Day, here is an item that appeared in October 1943: Clark Gable Throws Pentagon Into Uproar As He Talks War It was colossal! The army may have thought it could keep a press conference with Clark Gable confined to a decorous discussion of the man-sized job he’s doing, but it knows better today. He’s a captain in the air forces, an aerial gunner and a cameraman in a Flying Fortress, shot at, and missed. Back from a European assignment in the Air Force, Gable threw the Pentagon building into a furor as he walked to his first press conference. The former movie actor told of his last…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: A Friend to Reed

    From July 1941: Because Clark Gable and Carole Lombard interested themselves in his career, tall, handsome Reed Hadley, who hails from Texas via New York theatre and radio acting stopovers, appears to be safely launched in Hollywood. Young Hadley first attracted Miss Lombard’s attention when he appeared with her on a national radio broadcast. Gable met him at that time also.Both were impressed with young Hadley’s appearance and talents. Gable subseqyently suggested to Director Clarence Brown that Hadley be tested for the role of a young British officer in “They Met in Bombay” at MGM. Gable and Rosalind Russell are co-starring in the picture and a requirement of the officer…

  • News Clippings

    {In The News} Carole Lombard in 1936: May-December

    Continuing our news clippings series, following Carole around in 1936…we pick up in May. Here’s January-April.   May 12: Carole Lombard’s hospital party, after she recovered from the flu, brought guest dressed as doctors and nurses. They arrived in ambulances and sat around on hospital cots sipping cocktails from medicine bottles. A hospital shower for Margot Grahame, about to lose her appendix, netted her 16 hot water bottles. May 20: The romance scouts are speculating on the temperature of Gable’s friendship with Carole Lombard. He has been meeting her at the Paramount gate every afternoon at 5. May 28: At Carole Lombard’s house party the other night, a departing guest…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Lombard Camping Co.

    From September 1940: Before Clark Gable was married, he would go on a hunting trip by tossing a sleeping bag and guns into an auto and whizzing away. Since his wife, Carole Lombard, has became a hunting and camping enthusiast, she has bought great masses of gadgets and equipment. The other day when they started a trip, Gable drove up to the house in a huge truck, sporting a sign: “Lombard Camping Co., Ltd.”

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Star Ranchers

    From November 1940: Most publicized star-ranchers are Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, who can’t pick an orange or feed a hen without having to pose for a picture. So many yarns were written about Squire Gable’s real ambition—to leave the screen and go back to the land–that every mail still brings him a sale-offer of some other estate. One owner was sure that his $250,000 place would be exactly what the stars wanted, because it had two swimming pools and accommodations for 25 guests. That’s just what Mr. and Mrs. Gable don’t want–especially the 25 guests. And Hollywood calls them shrewd bargainers because they paid Director Raoul Walsh only $40,000…