• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Slightly Hurt

    From March 1945: Clark Gable, slightly hurt in a traffic accident, required hospital treatment of a laceration on the right leg and chest injuries, his studio reported.  The studio said the movie actor drove his automobile over a curb and into a tree to avoid striking another machine going in the wrong direction. Gable was jammed against the steering wheel. He was resting easily today.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Well Guarded

    From February 1934: Baltimore–Clark Gable, film hero, had a police guard today. No, he hasn’t been threatened with kidnapping or anything as dire as that. It’s his feminine admirers that he’s seeking protection from. Arriving here last night to fill a stage engagement, Gable found 1,000 women waiting for him at the railroad station. They almost mobbed him, and it was necessary for him to summon police to disperse the crowd. One girl, police said, hung onto the actor’s neck as he dashed from the station to a waiting automobile.  

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Goodbye, Uncle Charlie

    From March 1945: Aged Uncle of Clark Gable Dies The 85-year old uncle of Clark Gable–Charles Gable, died at his home in Sharpsville, Pa. He was a veteran motion picture theatre operator. Gable frequently visited his famous nephew in Hollywood and became a personal friend of many film stars. He opened the first movie house in Sharon and later operated a theatre in Sharpsville. He is survived by three sons–Ward of Pittsburgh, Roy of Cleveland, and Carl of Detroit.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Hook, Line and Sinker

    From January 1934: Now it’s going to be Clark Gable, horseman. With his latest picture finished, Gable is spending all his time looking over prospective racing horses. He has gone for horse racing hook, line and sinker, and is going to buy several horses to race on various western tracks this winter. 

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Broadway Bound

    From February 1934: For the first time since he became a star, Clark Gable is going to New York. He left last night for his first sight of Broadway and Times Square since he flew to Los Angeles several years ago for a stage role. Several trips back east were planned by the one-time Ohio boy but film work always interfered. He is expected to be gone at least two weeks.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Don’t Hang Up

    From February 1945: Before Clark Gable went to New York on his last trip, Anita Colby asked him to telephone her sister, Francine, when he got to the big city. He called Francine and said, “This is Clark Gable.” Francine said, “This is Lana Turner,” and hung up.

  • Anniversary,  Photos

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Gable

    Today is Clark Gable’s 117th birthday! To celebrate, I thought I’d comb through my massive collection and pick out my favorite 117 pictures of him. Not an easy feat, as I lost count at 20,000 photos a long time ago and there are so many I haven’t scanned or categorized yet. But here they are. These are in no particular order; they are not a countdown of my favorite pictures and they are not in chronological order either (thought that would be boring). They are just 117 of my favorites and the reason I love them could be because they are beautiful, they are weird, they are funny…whatever reason. Here…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: No Millionaire

    From December 1959: Clark Gable doesn’t agree with big money Hollywood stars who set up camp in low-tax Switzerland.  “The USA is good enough for me,” says the longtime matinee idol.  Besides, he adds with a smile, Clark Gable is no millionaire. “I don’t know where anybody gets the idea I’m a rich man,” he says. “The British press is always asking me that question. I’m not–at least not moneywise. But I’m happy and I consider that being pretty rich.” Had it not been for his remaining under straight contract with MGM Studios, Gable might be better off in the financial department.  “It’s only recently,” he says, “that I’ve gotten…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Hometown Hero

    From January 1932: Clark Gable is getting his name in more than electric lights and theater page headlines nowadays. He recently received a picture postcard of a scene in his hometown, Cadiz, Ohio. Beneath the picture were the printed words: “Cadiz–Birthplace of Clark Gable.”