• News

    It’s Carole Lombard Month!

    Starting tomorrow, October 1, it is Carole Lombard Month here on DearMrGable.com!   Carole Lombard Month comes around annually every October to celebrate Carole’s birthday. So hang around for Carole-related articles and photos. And all the “Movie of the Week”s will be Carole-related. Any guesses what the first one will be? Hmmm…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Please Sign My Cake

    From November 1933: An autograph nut hunted up Clark Gable at the auto station in downtown Los Angeles where he and Claudette Colbert are making scenes for Columbia’s “Midnight Bus,” and asked Gable to autograph his birthday cake. the fan brought along an icing-writing device, much To Gable’s amazement and amusement. The mob that hung around the bus depot so complicated work that Director Frank Capra thought up two devices to thin the crowd. He had studio carpenters bring saw horses and planking enough to fit a banquet table for 200, then had the studio put on a free feed for that many. In the meantime, the same carpenters put…

  • News

    Last Year, This Year, Next Year

    A belated Happy New Year to all! I usually do a re-cap of the year’s blog posts but things were a bit quiet here in 2017. Not due to lack of new content available, as my office is drowning in it, but due to personal obligations I couldn’t post as much as I wanted. I certainly didn’t want to stop the Gossip Fridays but even those had to be halted for a bit. My ambition for this year is to at last get through articles I have had for years. And I’m also going to re-watch a lot of Gable films and offer a new post. So those are coming.…

  • Anniversary,  Gossip

    Happy 109th, Carole Lombard!

    Happy Birthday, Carole Lombard! To celebrate, since it’s Friday too, here are some gossip items about Carole’s birthday over the years, some I’ve printed before, some I haven’t: From 1931: Yesterday was Carole Lombard’s birthday. Husband Bill Powell gave her an antique silver service and a china set. From 1937: Carole Lombard had a birthday.  Firecrackers exploded under her chair. There was a rubber spider in her makeup box. Carole ate cotton-stuffed candy. Carole struck a match–it exploded. Carole lit a cigarette–it exploded. Carole shook the salt shaker–it contained sugar. Carole’s wondering if it isn’t a pretty high price to pay to maintain her reputation as moviedom’s leading practical joker.…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: The Gift of Blueprints

    From February 1937: Carole Lombard’s birthday present to Clark Gable was an automobile trailer to carry his saddle horse. Being practical, Carole sent the blueprints first for Clark to okay. The trailer will be constructed along deluxe lines and will hook onto the back of the star’s new station wagon.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Mystery Cake

    From March 1938: Clark Gable celebrated a birthday on February 2. He still wants to know who presented him with a birthday cake inscribed, “Long Live the King.” He was recently declared “King of the Movies” in a national poll. He thinks the cake was sent by Spencer Tracy. Carole Lombard presented him with furniture for his new ranch house and many books. Clothes designers of America have announced that Clark is the best-dressed man in movies. Clark has thanked them for the honor, but declares that he does not want to be known as a clothes dummy. “I wear good clothes because pictures demand them,” he said, “but off-screen…

  • News

    2016 in Review

    Happy 2017! Here’s to a happy new year with less shocking celebrity deaths! Please! Here’s what went on around here in 2016:   New articles added to the Article Archive: 1936: Gable Changed? 1932: Gable Denies Divorce Rumors 1931: Will Gable Take the Place of Valentino? 1935: What I Think About Clark Gable by Jean Harlow 1935: What I Think About Jean Harlow by Clark Gable 1937: A Real Day with Clark Gable 1950: Love Walked In  1950: Fit For a King 1955: Clark Gable: After 25 Years in Hollywood, He’s On His Own   The ever-popular Carole Lombard Month was in October with the following features: Carole Lombard, Clark…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Quite the Chicken Rancher

    From March 1939: You’ve never heard of a more enthusiastic rancher than Clark Gable. He has bought 1200 chickens to go with the five that Andy Devine gave him as a gag birthday present, also some pheasant and a plow for the mule, Bessie, the gift of Carole Lombard.

  • Audio

    {Radio} The Chase and Sanborn Hour

    On July 1, this website turned 7 years old! I didn’t celebrate this milestone on the site since a much more important milestone occurred on that very day: Olivia de Havilland’s 100th birthday. When the site started seven years ago, it was completely hand-coded. I taught myself coding by buying some website software and a how-to book. As the years have gone on, the site has had many face-lifts and finally I went fully into WordPress, which is much easier to keep up with. Throughout all these changes, I’ve lost some content due to formatting issues–most of which is the audio. It’s a bit painstaking to edit the audio and…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1950: Love Walked In

    Here is another article Modern Screen magazine ran just a few months after the article I posted yesterday. This one goes into more (fluffy fluffy fluffy) detail about Clark and Sylvia’s “great romance.” For the actor he is, Clark Gable put on a bad performance these past few years. Loneliness stood out on him like a neon sign. The evenings he spent at his Encino ranch home, he’d wander from room to room, pick up a book and drop it, pick up a phone and decide not to call, sink into a chair and stare at nothing. The nights he went out the newshounds followed him to parties and theaters…